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- The first record of Launcelot Granger in the new world is in Ipswich,Essex, Massachusetts in 1648, where he leased the farm of Stephen Kent.From there, he removed to Newbury, Mass., where he married on Jan. 4,1653/54 to Joanna, daughter of Robert Adams. In 1679, they removed towhat is now Suffield, connecticut, and he died in 1689.
Launcelot is identified as the father of eleven children, only six ofwhom are with Joanna. The other five children are apparently from aprevious marriage, though his wife's name is not unknown.
There are a few records of the name Granger emigrating to the new world:Joan and Grace Granger were on the Hercules of Sandwich, which sailedfrom England to America and arrived June 3, 1637. They are listed withthe party of Samuel Hall of Canterbury. This could be Launcelot's firstwife and mother (Grace).
Also on the same ship are Stephen Granger, traveling with Jarvis Boyketof Thannington, and Thomas Granger, traveling with Joseph Bachelor ofCanterbury and his family. These are not Launcelot's children, but may benephews. Although I don't know what relation there is between theseGrangers, it is likely that they represent one family, and that theytraveled to the new world very young which is likely why they travelledwith others.