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- Richard set sail at London in the Truelove, Sept 17, 1635 at age 34,already having sent his wife Elizabeth Basselle in the Planter in April,1635; sons William and Francis, sailed in the Rebecca; and daughterElizabeth sailed in the Susan and Ellen in the company of friends. He wasa planter in Hampton in 1638. He took Freeman's Oath there on 13 Mar1639. Was commissioner for the ending of small causes and lot-layer in1639; signed the petition in Howard case in 1643; signed petition ofExeter inhabitants in 1645. He owned a house and land in Exeter in 1650.Richard was fined by the General Court 12 Nov, 1659, 3 pounds anddisenfranchised for entertaining Quakers.
He gave part of his house lot in Hampton to his daughter Grace and herhusband, Nathaniel Bolter, in 1660.
The inhabitants of Hampton became increasingly hostile to Quakers, so in1660-61 he migrated to Nantucket Island with his second wife, Jane, widowof George Bunker, his stepchildren, and his sons John & Richard. Richardand his John, along with eight other men bought Nantucket Island in 1661from Thomas Mayhew for 30 pounds silver and two beaver hats.
He sold his remaining property in Hampton to his son-in-law, NathanielBolter in 1663.Richard set sail at London in the Truelove, Sept 17, andarrived in December of 1635 at age 34. He had sent his wife Elizabeth inthe Planter in April; sons William and Francis, sailed in the Rebecca;and daughter Elizabeth sailed in the Susan and Ellen in the company offriends, all in that year. His daughter Grace must have also been sentahead, though I can find no record of her crossing. He settled at Rowley,Massachusetts then at Hampton, New Hampshire of which he was one of thefounders, then on Nantucket Island with John Swain, his son, and eightothers.
He was a planter in Hampton in 1638, was Commissioner for the Ending ofSmall Causes and lot-layer in 1639; he signed a petition in the Howardcase in 1643 and the petition of Exeter inhabitants in 1645. He owned ahouse and land in Exeter in 1650, and gave part of his house lot inHampton to his daughter Grace and her husband, Nathaniel Bolter, in 1660,and another tract to Hezekiah, eldest son of his deceased son William, in1663.
Richard was fined by the General Court on 12 Nov, 1659 for entertainingQuakers. Richard and his son John, along with eight other men boughtNantucket Island in 1661 from Thomas Mayhew for 30 pounds silver and twobeaver hats. He became a Quaker and moved to Nantucket with his secondwife, Jane, his stepchildren, and his sons John & Richard. He sold hisremaining property in Hampton to his son-in-law, Nathaniel Bolter in1663.
He took the Freeman's Oath on 13 Mar 1639. He married Jane, widow ofGeorge Bunker, in 1658/9. His daughter Dorothy married Thomas Abbot, andlater Edward Chapman; and Elizabeth married Nathaniel Weare.
He died April 14, 1682 in Nantucket.