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- Simon Stone, Sr., wife Joan, and first five children were aboard theIncrease, which landed at Boston in July 1635. He is listed as"husbandman of Bromley Magna, Essex" and bound for Watertown. Ages arelisted as follows: Simon 50, Joan 38, Francis 16, Anne 11 Simon, Jr. 4,Mary 3 and John 1month. He was probably the Simon Stone who witnessed thenoncupative will of Barnabie Rodgers of Boxsted, April 22, 1627.
About 1622 Simon Stone relocated from Great Bromley to Boxted England. Heapparently continued farming there until the spring of 1635 when heemigrated to New England.
Simon was an original proprietor of Groton, then established the familyhome at Mount Auburn, Watertown, on the banks of the Charles River. Hewas the grantee of eight lots and was of the largest land owners of thetown. The large colonial style house he built served six generations ofhis decendants for two hundred years, until it was destroyed by fire. Hewas admitted freeman, May 25, 1636. He served as Selectman, 1637-56,seven years, and was a Deacon.
His will, dated Sept. 7, 1665, was proved October 3 of that year, andmentions his sons Simon and John, his brother Haywood, Dr. Frances, wifeof Thomas Green; Dr. Mary; grandchildren Joanna and Nathaniel Green; hisbrother Gregory (Deacon Gregory Stone, of Cambridge, 5 yrs younger thanhimself); his kinsman John and Daniel Warner (Warren?) and Thomas Wells,He does not mention his daughter Anne, who embarked with him.