Notes |
- There were four Thomas Clark's in Ipswich. Three were made freemen, 1646,1652, 1674. Three signed the protest in 1666 against the treatment of theKing's Commissioners in Boston, being called Sr., Jr., and 3d. The mostlikely father of Samuel was Thomas the tanner.
Thomas the tanner, or Sgt. Thomas Sen. and his sons had the tanyard atthe foot of Summer St. for some 60 yrs. His wife's family name is notknown, but she may be Mary Sherman, daughter of Samuel Sherman. Three ofhis sons lived on his land there: John, Sgt. Thomas and Freeman.Nathaniel and Jonathan lived at Newbury. Samuel, Josiah, Jonathan andFreeman were at Portsmouth. Thomas had liberty to "sett down Tan fattsat the end of his planting lot, upon two rods reserved by the River" in1640-1. The precise location of that tannery has been searched for, butnot found. It is supected that the location of the tanyard was on thecorner of Water and Summer Streets, and the vats on the river bank.
In 1682 Thomas tried to arrange with Freeman for life support of himselfand wife Mary; two years later he changed the arrangements to John. Hedied 9 Jan. 1689-90, and his wife died 27 weeks later.
Other Thomas Clark's in Ipswich were:
1. Thomas the tailor, son of Sgt. Thomas
2. Thomas the cooper, whose daughter married George Hiskett on June 11,1662.