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- John Howland came over on the Mayflower as one of the indentured servantsof a wealthy couple named John and Kathrine Carver and they landed inAmerica in December of 1620. John Carver died in the spring of 1621 andhis wife Kathrine died in the summer of 1621.
John HOWLAND. Born in 1592 in Fen station, Huntingdonshire, England. Johndied in Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts on 23 Feb 1672; he was 80. Buriedin Burial Hill, Plymouth Massachusetts. Occupation: yeoman
-Mayflower index #19,049
Best remembered for having fallen off the Mayflower during a mightystorm, as recorded by Bradford "In sundry of these storms the winds wereso fierece and the sea so high, as they could not bear a know of sail,but hwere forced to hull for divers days together. And in one of them, asthey thus lay at hull in a mighty storm, a lusty (meaning good spirited)young man called John Howland, coming upon some occasion above thegratings was, with a seele of the ship, thrown into the sea; but itplease God that he caught hold of the topsail halyards which hungoverboard and ran out at length. Yet he held his hold (though he wassundry fathoms under water) till he was hauled up by the same rope to thebrim of the water, and then with boat hook and other means got into theship again and saved his life. And though he was something ill with it,yet he lived many years after and became a profitable member both inchurch and Commonwealth".
-when the Mayflower reached Cape Cod, John was among the party of 10 whowere sent out to select the locations of their new homes. They weredriven by a storm into Plymouth Harbor which they choose for thesettlement. Prior to landing, the passengers drew up the Compact whichbecame the basis for their government. John Howland, then twenty-eight,was the 13th signer.
Thirteenth signer of the Mayflower Compact. Came to America as anindentured servant of John Carver, possibly a scribe. Was to serve 7years or until debt paid. Durning a storm, fell overboard and was rescuedby Edward Doty. One of the exploring party after landing at PlymouthRock. Member of the "Undertakers" group of settlers that bought therights of the colony from the original investors. In 1634 placed incommand of the Kennebec Trading Post. In 1641 appointed Deputy of theGeneral Court, Died February 23, 1672, but not buried until May 29, 1672.Join the Pilgrims of South Hampton in 1620, Upon the death of John Carverand his wife, indenture was ended and he became head of the CarverHousehold. Presided over only witch trial at the colony. The wife ofWilliam Holmes a Lt. of John Standish was accused of being a witch byDinah Sylvester. Was asked what evidence she had, she replied that "shecame to me in the shape of a witch", when further questioned wasdetermined that the shape was that of a bear. To discourage suchnonsense, Dinah was fine 5 lbs and whipped.