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- Thomas Tenney, a member of the Reverend Ezekiel Rogers' company fromYorkshire, England, arrived at Salem, Massachusetts, in December 1638,and settled at Rowley, Massachusetts, in April 1639.
In a deposition taken at Ipswich, Massachusetts, 4 May 1680, Thomastestified in relation to an ox pasture in Rowley, and at that date hegave his age as about sixty-six years. (Ipswich Deeds, 4:329). This wouldhave made him twenty-four years old when he emigrated to America with hiswife, Ann Mighill, who was mentioned in the will of Deacon Thomas Mighillof Rowley, Masachusetts, as "sister Ann Tenney." (Early Settlers ofRowley).
A survey of the town was ordered on Nov. 10, 1643. The town records ofRowley, from Oct. 22, 1677 to the early 1690's, show he was quite activein town affairs, holding many differenct offices.
The said will was dated 11 June 1654. Ann Mighill Tenney was buried 26September 1657. William then married on 24 February 1658, his secondwife, Elizabeth, widow of Francis Parrat of Rowley. It does not appearthat they had children.
He died Feb. 20, 1699/1700 and is buried in the old cemetery. Thi oldburying ground was used in the first settlement of the town and remainedthe only cemetery until 1723, when the East parish (now the town ofGroveland) burial ground was opened. The oldest stone standing anddecipherable bears the date of 1681.