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- Little is known of Mr. Perley till he settled in Boxford, in 1683. He wasof Topsfield in 1657, the year he became of age, and in 1658; of Ipswichin 1668 and 1669, and was living in Rowley "beyond Bachelours brook,"according to his father's will, in 1670, and was said to have been ofNewbury in 1677. "John Pearly, Boxford," was made freeman "22 March,1689-90," and "John Pearly, Boxford, October, 1690," which is probablythe completion of the preceding record. That he married (Mary Howlett),is determined from the birth of his first child. It is supposed that hebuilt the house that stood over the cellar now visible in the pasturebelonging to Benj. S. Barnes, Esq., and near the "great meadow," and inwhich his great-grandson Nathaniel is said to have been born. Previous to1683, he owned a considerable part of "the great meadows."
Mr. Perley was a carpenter and housewright by trade. The First Churchmeeting-house in Boxford was built largely under his supervision, hebeing on most of the committees relating to it; and he exercised hisskill and labor in its construction. He was on a committee to consultabout building the first corn-mill in Bradford, which was located onJohnson's creek. He was chosen on a committee to lay out "necessary"roads, in Boxford, in 1686, the year following the town's incorporation.He was chosen, 19 Aug., 1687, and also the year following, a"commissioner" to aid the selectmen in assessing the taxes. Himself, hisbrother Thomas and Thomas Andrew were a committee to consult with thetown of Rowley, sometime during the winter of 1689-90, about the boundsbetween the two towns; and he and others were a committee to perambulatethe line, the next April. He was a representative to the General Court,for the quarterly sessions, beginning 12 Feb., 1690, and 3 Feb., 1691. Hewas selectman in 1691, 1695 and 1700, and at other times filled otheroffices of important trust. He was one of the committee who received thedeed of the town from the Indians in 1701-2. He was chosen ensign in themilitia in 1689.
He is the first (Perley) born on American soil,--which has been spoken ofas an honor, an indigenous honor over all the family for all time.