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- To Hampton Falls New Hampshire 1665, then old county of NorfolkMassachusetts, now Rockingham Co New Hampshire. Freeman 1678, GranteeKingston New Hampshire 1694, Selectman 1695. Founded Hampton Falls.Helped to found Kingston New Hampshire 1694. Commuted to Kingston. Movedto Kingston New Hampshire 1725.
James Prescott came from Dryby, in the county of Lincolnshire, England in1665. He settled in Hampton, New Hampshire. He started a farm, on whichhe resided until he removed to Kingston in 1725, which was situated inthat part of Hampton which later came to be Hampton Falls om 1712/ Tjosfarm is located one and a half or two miles north of Hampton FallsAcademy, on the highway to Exeter. The precise time of James' admissionto the church is not known but he became a freeman in 1678 and no one butmembers of the church were eligible to that important and earnestlysought privilege. He was dismissed from the Hampton church and admittedto the church of Hampton Falls in 1712. He was later transferred to thechurch of Kingston on 29 Sep 1725. James was "a man of integrity andinfluence, possessing good sense, a sound and descriminating mind, onewhose judgment was much sought for and in whose opinion the people placedthe most confident reliance." In 1692 James is mentioned as a creditor ofHis Majesty's Province. In 1694, the town of Kingston was granted by Lt.Governor Usher to James Prescott, Ebenezer Webster and others, who becameexpensive landholders and influential proprietors. In 1700, Dec 19, Jameswas moderator at the meeting of the proprietors of Kingston, at whichmeeting James and Ebenezer were chosen a committee to run the linebetween Kingston and Hampton, in conjunction with a like committee fromthe latter town. At the same meeting it was voted to grant to James,Thomas Philbrick and Jonathan Sanborn, each, two hundred acres of land inthe westerly part of the town of Kingston. On 18 Jul 1701, he was atainchosen moderator of the proprietors' meeting, when the house or nearmeadow was granted to him. Beside the above, the proprietors of Kingstonvoted him tracts of land in 1705, 1710, 1715, 1719, 1720 and 1721. In1708, the Commons of Hampton voted to give to Jamaes Prescott ten acresof land where his house then stood, John Sanborn dissenting. On the 10thof April, 1711, they voted him four acres of land for eight poundsagreeably to the report of a committee, consisting of Josiah Chase, JohnStanyan, John Sanborn, John Redman, Joseph Swett and Samuel Dalton. In1709, James Sr. , Nathaniel and James, Jr. signed a petition for a newparish "at the Falls." In 1710, James, Sr., Jonathan and NathanialPrescott, signed a petition for a new parish at Hampton Falls which wasset off and incorporated into a new town by the name of Hampton Falls onthe 20th of April, 1712.
"James Prescott was a man of integrity and influence, possessinggoodsense, a sound and discriminating mind, one whose judgement wasmuchsought for, and in whose opinion the people placed the mostconfidentreliance" - The Prescott Memorial, Part II