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- Thomas Howlett's emigration from England was with the Winthrop Fleet,arriving at Boston in April and July of 1630. Family tradition places himon the Hopewell in 1634, but there is no way to confirm this, asindividual passenger lists were not kept.
He was a commoner at Ipswich Mar 3, 1634, and Representive to the GeneralCourt in 1635. His name appeared on the list of original settlers ofIpswich published in 1636. The Boston church dismissed him to Ipswich Sep10, 1643 "he having lived there sundry years".
Thomas was granted a house lot in Ipswich in 1635 and bought 40 acresthere in 1637. He had 1 1/2 share in Plum Island in 1666. He bought the300 acres granted to Nathaniel Rogers in Topsfield (near the Ipswichline) about 1650.
He regularly served on Essex County juries 1645 - 1667, and wasfrequently appointed to committees for laying out or adjustingboundaries. He became a sergeant no later than 1639 and was confirmedEnsign at Ipswich May 14, 1645. As a brave and trusty officer, he was inseveral expeditions against the Indians.
He was one of the 30 commoners of Topsfield named in 1661, and was chosenas selectman of Topsfield that year. He represented Topsfield in theGeneral Court. His taxes in Topsfield for 1664 were L1.8.9, and heaccordingly received 20-acre lots in the 1st and 2nd divisions of commonland. He was assessed 4s 10d for the 1668 country rate in Topsfield and16s 6d for the 1669 town rate. He was chosen deacon of the Topsfieldchurch in 1672.
His will mentions wife Rebeka, sons Samull and John deceased, daughterSarah Comings, granddaughter Allis Comings, daughter Mary Perly,granddaughter Mary daughter of John, son John's wife, son William(executor).
His estate was valued at 418 Pounds.