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- Lived with her aunt, Sarah Perley, from age 7, after father's death in1712.
Elizabeth Perley was born in Essex 10 Oct., 1705, and died 4 March, 1742,near the birth of her eighth child. She married in 1730 Comfort Starr,who was born 9 Aug., 1696, to Deacon Comfort and Mary-Stone Starr,founders of the Dedham branch of that family, and died in Killingly, Ct.,13 Feb., 1775. He was living in Dedham in 1720. In 1723 he bought 1000acres of land in the North Parish of Killingly, afterwards selling apart, but reserving what still later became his homestead, a little westof Brandy hill, now in the town of Thompson. Quotations from the churchrecords say that "Comfort Starr and others worked on the newmeeting-house; that Jan. 28, 1730, was kept a day of fasting and prayerto humble ourselves before God for our past trespasses and to implore thedevine on us and all our concerns--more especially on the solemntransactions that are before us"--the formation of a church. Mr. Starrwas a signer to the covenant. He was a prominent man in town and church.In sealed instruments he is styled "husbandman." A fine, curious desk,which belonged to him, and perhaps to his grandfather, and many of hisdeeds are still extant. Mrs. Sarah Knapp of Killingly became his secondwife 3 Nov., 1763.